Gel Eyeliner Pencil Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Shimmer Eyeliner Pencil Set Of 3 buy on JSA Fashion
24 HOUR GLITTER EYELINER SET: Ultra shimmery glitter eyeliner pencils define & brighten eyes instantly for a long-lasting glamorous look. Highly pigmented color and bold shimmer makes eyes glow for maximum glamour, and are thin enough to closely line. 

PHYSICIAN'S FORMULA EYE LINER: Our eyeliner pens and eyeliner pencils are cruelty-free, hypoallergenic, dermatologist approved, and safe for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers. Plus they glide on smoothly for a defined eye, whether bold or subtle. 

DRAW EYES: From our Shimmer Strips Collection of eye enhancing eyeshadow pallets and eyeliners, to our Eye Booster mascaras and 2-in-1 eyeliner and eyelash serums, to our brow gels and eye primers, Physician's Formula has what you need to draw eyes. Physician's Formula offers a full line of skin care and makeup for sensitive skin, including mascaras, lipsticks, concealers, eyeliners, eyeshadow palettes, bb creams, bronzers & primers. Our products are hypoallergenic & safe for sensitive skin and eyes. 

HEALTHY BEAUTY PRODUCTS: Every one of our products is hypoallergenic, safe for sensitive skin & eyes, & created without any of the 150 plus known harsh ingredients found in other personal care items.

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