Artificial Fake Nails Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
24P Cute Childlike Rainbow Nail Art Full Cover Artificial Fake Nails buy on JSA Fahion
Easy to Use】 Use double-sided nail tape for nail presses and get your favorite manicure in just a few minutes without waiting at the nail salon. Some simple steps allow you to get the same impressive professional effect at home. 

Reuse】 If you use nail jelly glue to fix false nails, it can be easily removed without affecting the        nails for repeated use (sustainable for about 3 days), if you want to keep it for a longer time, you need    to use nail glue. 

Wide Applications】fake nails suitable for various social occasions great for nails salon,DIY home    nails art. Perfect for easy and quick nail art(if you don't have time to design your own). Fake nails are    a great holiday gift for your family or friends. 

Multiple Sizes】You'll get 24 fake nails in 12 sizes. Suitable for most people's nails. (It is                    recommended to measure your own nails before purchasing) 

Why Choose Us】If you don't know how to use it, the product is damaged due to shipping, or other    problems. Please contact us directly. We

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