Face Fake Tear Mole Pen Purchase on Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
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New Rounded Design: The newly designed Lacrimal Nevus Pen features a small round tip, making it easier to create circular moles on areas such as under the eyes, nose, and face. With just a gentle touch, you can effortlessly achieve your makeup look.

2 Colors for Various Makeup Styles: The product offers two color options – black and natural brown. Black is ideal for creating teardrop moles, while brown is the perfect choice for freckle makeup. This product allows you to easily create different makeup looks for various occasions. 

Waterproof and Long-Lasting: Waterproof endurance is one of the features of the Lacrimal Nevus Pen. Using a waterproof, anti-smudge, and quick-drying formula, it ensures long-lasting makeup that won't fade, even during hot summer days, swimming, or sweating. Keep your perfect makeup all day long.

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