Wheat-color Contouring Foundation Liquid Purchase on Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
6 Color Cover Blemishes Remove Freckles And Acne Marks Brighten Skin Tone buy on JSA Fashion
Diverse Shade Range 】Cater to every customer with 11 dynamic shades, from the stark White for bold Halloween looks to a variety of beige tones—Light Beige, Classic Beige, Nude Beige, Natural Beige, and more. Bronze, Yellow Nude, Coconut, Ivory, and Natural Ivory are crafted to match any skin tone, ensuring inclusivity at its best. 

Nourishing Ingredients 】Enriched with Hydroxyphenyl Propamidobenzoic Acid, Horse's Tooth Clover Extract, Curaçao Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Sodium Polyglutamate, Hyaluronic Acid, and Cucumber Extract, our foundation promises not just coverage but also skincare benefits like anti-sensitivity, antioxidant protection, and hydration, making it ideal for oily and combination skin types.

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