SPF50+ Body Sunscreen Purchase on Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
SPF 50+ Whitening Face Sunscreen Light and Thin Refreshing Sunscreen for Whitening buy on JSA Fashion
Premium White Truffles carefully extracted from Piedmont, Italy, infused with Tocopherol(vitamin E) make d'Alba's signature ingredient Trufferol, which is rich in antioxidants. 

Certified vegan after meticulous testing by Italian V-label, hypoallergenic, and color sweat-proof (by coverage) glowy pink tone of the sunscreen brightens the skin tone, and Trufferol provides antioxidants and nutrients to tighten and brightens the skin for a youthful complexion. 

The perfect 2-in-1 sun care product all year round, it leaves the skin naturally radiant, moisturized, and protected with its high SPF of 57.3 (±8.9) and a PFA of 19.70 (±2.5 PA++++).

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