Ultra-thin Matte Liquid Eyeliner Pen Purchase on Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Waterproof Lasting Blue Red Sweatproof Quickily Drying Eyeliner Pencil buy on JSA Fashion
Classic Liquid Eyeliner Color: Smooth lines, available in black, brown and dark coffee. Rich colors for everyone. Quick-drying eyeliner that is easy to apply and color. 

Precise Ultra-fine Tip: With a tip of just 0.05mm, our eyeliner is super slim and flexible. You have maximum control over each stroke during application. 

Waterproof and Long-lasting:With its water and sweat resistant formula, the color of the eyeliner is stronger and more complete. No need to worry about makeup coming off when you go out. 

Quick Drying: A fast-drying formula that instantly delivers incredibly smooth, clear-looking eyes. The soft tip draws smooth, even ink strokes that magnify the eyes for a glamorous look.

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