2 In 1 Matte Contouring Bronzer Stick Purchase on Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Double Head High Gloss Grey Brown Nose Shadow Cream Brighten Highlighter Makeup buy on JSA Fashion
Contour Highlighter Stick】The product is in double end design, one side is contour and another is highlighter. The 2 colors are professionally selected, therefore ensure the color coordination, suitable for medium skin. Creamy texture fit the skin well, 2 in 1 design simplify your makeup routine! 

Natural Matte Finish】Both of the highlighter and the contour are in a natural matte effect, blend with the skin very well and looks like wearing nothing, suitable for daily wear. Simply dot some on the target area and blend with your finger tip so you can get a stereo face easily. Portable design, not take up space of your bag, very convenient for trip.

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