Mirror Water Lip Glaze Purchase on Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Moisturizing Sexy Red Lip Tint Lipstick buy on JSA Fashion
JUICY COLOR LIP Gloss】6 colors nourishing mirror hydrating juicy colors love lipstick, the water glasting formula ensures long lasting moisture, leaving your lips feeling soft, hydrated, and bursting with vitality, giving your lips a pure colour. 

Heart Shaped Lip Gloss】A heart-shaped lip glaze with a glance heartbeat, the tinted lip gloss is a nourishing liquid lipstick texture that doesn't form a film or stain your lips! a swipe of hydration and leaves a jelly-like smooth finish. 

High Shine & Glossy Finish】Mirror Glow Lip Gloss is a hydrating texture with a high gloss finish, giving you a clear, watery finish with highly pigmented, intense fruity colours that are naturally light and transparent, shimmering makeup stays on all day. 

Long Lasting Moisturizing】lip glaze tinted is enriched with moisturising ingredients to lock in long-lasting moisture for your lips, it brightens and hydrates, and the intense hydration provides a silky, zero-gravity feel. Use to conceal lip colour, plump up sexy lips, prevent dry lips and smooth out lip lines.

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