Hair Tassel Flower Extension Purchase on Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Long Chain Wig Decoration Hair Styling Accessories buy on JSA Fashion
Good Quality: These hair accessories are mainly made of reliable resin, delicate and sturdy, lightweight and comfortable to use, not easy to break or deform, looks more beautiful in the sun or light. 

Appropriate Size: the total length of the flower clips for hair is about 46 cm/ 18.11 inches, and the BB clip on top is about 3cm/ 1.18 inches, with the appropriate sizes, the flower clips can help you create various hairstyles. 

Easy to Use: the flower hair clips are designed for different hairstyles, you can clip them in your hair directly, or you can use the chain of the clip to braid your hair, and you can also discover different uses, these flower clips accessories will bring you so much fun.

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