Korea Monochrome Blush Purchase on Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Peach Rose Pink Cheek Tint Powder Natural Lasting Matte buy from JSA Fashion
SOFT MIST BLUSH PALETTE: The blush palette provides natural and close to your hue, with warm, neutral and cool colors to match your skin tone and background. We always have six styles, you can choose the one you like. 

MILKY GALAXY SOFT MIST BLUSH: This is our carefully crafted style. Low-saturated base tone, soft and easy to smudge, delicate fit, natural blush feeling, fresh and natural feeling, like a pure girlish feeling. You will feel the unique charm of this product. 

WATERPROOF AND DURABLE: The blush palette has good color rendering, waterproof and sweatproof. Blush can last a long time on your face. Shape, outline and highlight your best facial features.

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