3 Colors Liquid Concealer High Covering Moisturizing Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
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SKIN BRIGHTENING: The Essential High Coverage Liquid Concealer has a liquid formula that contains Anise Fruit Extract which softens, smooths, and promotes the appearance of glowing skin. 

FULL COVERAGE: Medium-to-full coverage makes for easy application without feeling heavy on skin for that clean aesthetic. The doe foot applicator pulls the perfect amount from the tube as you create a beautiful base for the rest of your makeup. 

FORMULA: Hyaluronic Acid and Resveratrol help achieve a creaseless, soft matte finish while strengthening skin, correcting and smoothing imperfections. 

APPLICATION: To conceal dark circles, glide under eyes, starting from the inner corner and moving outward, and gently blend using your ring finger or with the Essential Precision Concealer Brush (sold separately).. To conceal imperfections and uneven skin tones, glide onto skin and pat gently. Can be applied to build coverage.

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