Girls Transparent Butterfly Pink Hairpin Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Barrettes Headband Hair Accessories buy from JSA Fashion
Hair clips design: Hair clips design three-dimensional butterfly inlaid on the clip,with transparent color design,fashionable,simple and versatile,cute and sweet. 

Comfortable to wear: The hair clips are small and light,no pressure to wear,no headache,no sharp ends,no damage to the scalp,no damage and pulling of the hair,non-slip,comfortable to wear. 

Suitable for: Suitable for thick or thin hair,long or short hair,straight or curly hair,fine hair,suitable for clipping on the side,on a ponytail,on a twist braid or clip in the right position according to the hairstyle,can add color to the styling. 

Wide range of applications: It can be used as a matching hair accessory for daily styling,the color is versatile,it can be matched with different hairstyles and clothing,and it can also be used as a holiday gift for your relatives and friends. 

What you can get: 5 packs per pack,you can use them for a long time,and you can share it with your female friends.

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