Pierced Ear Cleaning Set Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Ear Hole Floss Earrings Hole Cleaner buy on JSA Fashion
Soft material: ear hole piercing cleaner is made from slender cotton thread, more flexible, softer and more comfortable, and provides more comprehensive care for ear holes without the use of irritant 

Easy to use: it is convenient and fast to use the piercing cleaning line, which is painless to clean the ear hole, remove the peculiar smell, dirt and give your ear hole a bath; You just need to wet it, and then put it into your own ear hole for cleaning, ideal for daily life; Ear hole piercing cleaner is slim and soft, use gently through the ear piercing 

Compact and portable: these disposable ear hole cleaning line is small in size and light in weight, which can be easily stored in a bag, pocket, or some of them can be taken out and placed by your side, which makes it very convenient to clean the ear holes at any time or anywhere 

Wide applications: earring hole floss cleaner can work with ear cleaning liquid or be directly dampened and applied to your ear holes, also you can use it reasonably according to what you have around you to make your ears clean 

Abundant quantities: come with 6 boxes of ear hole cleaning lines, each box comes with 60 pieces, 360 pieces in total, enough to meet your needs for daily cleaning, improving your charming

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