Synthetic Hair Bangs Clips Front Side Long Bangs Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Long Side Air Bangs, Wavy Curly Clip in Bangs Front Side Bangs buy on JSA Fashon
Bangs Design - The stylish air bang could modify various face shapes and give your a refresh looking. Long bangs can help to lengthen and make the face narrower, which is perfect for girls who have wide or short face shapes 

DIY FUN - You can cut the bangs to any length as you like to fit your face and your hairstyle. If the hair bangs is too long for you, also you can cut some hair by the scissors; The hair bangs can be styled by hair roller(Not curling Iron), hair dryer, if you want more curls. Or use the hair straightener which make the hair banges become neat and be better for a straight hair looking 

Widly use - The hair bangs could be used to create the most chic hair style in 2021---Face-framing highlights and also could be used as Behind-the-Ear hair dye style 

MATERIALS - Heat Resistant Fiber,able to resist the heat from styling tools to give you almost the same styling versatility as human hair (optimal temperature is 250-275 degrees). Going above 350 degrees is not recommended.With a matte looking, it looks real and you can restyled it with the scissors or curling iron 

Change in one second - Haircut always feels like a risk. with One Pieces Clip hair bangs, you could change your hair style easier and more convenience and no use to cut or dye your own hair 

Warm Tips - The bangs clips are sewn in different direction from the hair extensions (please refer to details as main image) , this is not a design error, but for more security. Hope you can understand

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