Cartoon Couple Print Short-sleeved T-shirt Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Character Print Loose Punk Japanese Pullover Top Harajuku Street Tees buy on JSA Fashion
35% cotton and 65% polyester 
Pull On closure 
Machine Wash 

The fabric is comfortable and breathable, washable, machine washable, but not bleachable. 

Gothic printed T-shirts can be worn every day, or on occasions such as school, dates, anniversaries, parties, travels, walks, sports, exercises, activities, outings, etc. 

Fashionable and versatile, it can be matched with trousers, shorts, casual pants, jeans, overalls, etc. Suitable for all body types 

Designed for women, it can be given to girlfriends, wives, family, relatives, friends, guests, etc. It is a good gift. Please refer to the size chart before buying. If you have any questions, please contact us within 24 hours.

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