Long Wire Tassel Chain Star Earring Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Straight Hanging Earings Party Jewelry Gift buy on JSA Fashion
Fashion Dangle Earrings: you will get stainless steel chain threader earring in different designs, each is delicate and beautiful, whether you have straight hair, curly hair or short hair, you can match it well 

Exquisite Craft: The simple long chain earrings are made of 316L stainless steel, superb polishing technology, very soft, smooth, bring your comfortable wearing experience 

Elegant Designs: the drop dangle earrings feature different dainty and lovely elements including heart, leave, butterfly, double twist, wavy curve, geometric shape, tassel dangle, long bar and so on, long but lightweight, they are very comfortable to wear and will not bring you discomforts or burden

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