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JSA Fashion
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Skin care with natural pearl essence Beauty skin starts with moisturizing Moisturizes and nourishes the skin and gives elasticity Rich in moisturizing ingredients Gives the skin necessary nourishment, makes the skin smooth and supplements with essential moisture 

Natural moisturizing Nourishing and moisturizing extracts Give your skin gentle care and moisturizing Contains hydrolyzed pearl essence, gives the skin a silky texture, absorbs quickly, moisturizes the skin, improves the condition of dry skin, makes the skin soft and smooth. 

Nutrition and gentle care Gentle moisturizing Pearl extract for skin care Supplements skin with essential moisture and nourishes, gives the skin a silky and healthy shine Gives moisture Helps to improve the condition of dry skin, gently nourishes Care and moisturizing for dehydrated skin Moisture and nutrition for skin beauty 

Moisturizes, replenishes needed moisture, gives the necessary nutrition Pearl Moisturizes, smoothes and softens the skin 

Pearl essence nourishes the skin, improves the condition of dry skin, moisturizes and makes the skin soft and silky Contains hydrolyzed pearl essence Moisturizing smoothing cream Helps replenish essential moisture in the skin, makes the skin soft and delicate Beautiful and moisturized skin Makes the skin soft moist and beautiful 

Nourishes the skin Supplements skin with essential moisture, gives the skin smoothness and silkiness Gentle care Gently nourishes the skin improving its condition

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