Vaseline for Makeup Lip Gloss Set Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E, Aloe fresh Vaseline buy on JSA Fashion
Feature: The texture is soft and delicate, fresh but not greasy. Moisturizing lip cream for rough and dry lip Its instant hydrating effect make your lip radiant, Smooth, healthy. It can make your lip skin silky soft, refreshing and nourishes Massage your lip to have a wonderful Spa. Let your lips plump and stay hydrated at all times. 

Name: Moisturizing Lip Balm 

Specification: 7g/pcs 

Efficacy: The moisturizing effect is obvious, and it can be used day and night. It can be used as a base before lipstick or superimposed matte lipstick for mirror effect.

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