Ultra Fine Eyebrows Pencil Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Waterproof Sweat-proof Liquid Eyebrow Pen Long Lasting buy on JSA Fashion
WATERPROOF & LONG LASTING] With special formula this eyebrow pencile delivers you waterproof and longlasting makeup. You can always maintain a beautiful lady without worrying about sweat and water if not WIPE HARD. 

MULTIFUNCTION】:In addition to drawing eyebrows, it is also suitable for drawing beards and filling hairlines, which can help you to create a natural and perfect looking. 

EASY TO USE】Start with the waterproof pencil to shape, shade, and fill in sparse areas, then use the ink stain's flexible brush tip to create precise, hairlike strokes and add dimension. 

IMPORTANT NOTE】When NOT in use, the tint cap should be kept TIGHT and stored UPRIGHT to AVOID DRYING OUT ! Any problems, contact us freely and we’ll make it right.

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