Oil Control Makeup Powder Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Waterproof Lasting Setting Loose Powder buy on JSA Fashion
Setting Powder Makeup - SKINFOOD's loose powder makeup comes with delicate particles that provide a light and clear finish without the classic dryness of most powders. This translucent powder is an excellent Korean face powder to reduce oily skin and to help settle makeup. 

Air Jet Mill Method - Made with our special air spun technique, the powder is very fine and soft, making this face setting powder lighter than air, minimizing caking and perfect for controlling sebum and leaving baby soft skin with this mineral powder makeup. 

Wonderful Peach Scent - made from Natural Peaches, this setting powder is not only airspun, but also made with plenty of minerals to help boost your skin and leave it glowing. This balancing and translucent face powder will leave you smelling wonderful all day. 

Contains Silk Powder - this SKINFOOD Finish Powder contains silk powder for a soft texture and illuminating effect on your skin, leaving it fine and soft as if it were wrapped in a layer of silk. This Korean powder makeup will take care of your skin and leaving it shiny and smooth. 

Authentic Korean Beauty Products - Korean Beauty products like SKINFOOD lead the world with their top-tier beauty and makeup products. We are the first cosmetic brand to root itself in food since 1957, as we believe that the highest quality nutritive food results in healthy, beautiful skin to create a healthier lifestyle.

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