Colorful Small Elastic Hair Bands Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
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Soft and Kind to Hair】Gentle on your hair and not harm to your hair. These hair ties hold snugly       but still has comfortable give. Hair ties don't pull your hair or give you a headache. 

Various usage】Hair ties are Good for small dreadlocks, hair design, hair braiding, pony tails,              wedding hairstyle, or DIY more charming hairstyle. 

Size】 2 Size of hair ties: Diameter 1〃(thickness: 0.2” and 0.08”), good elastic that easy to stretch      and not easy to break. Hold well on thick or thin hair, straight or curly hair. Use 2 or more hair ties if      thick ponytail. 

300 pcs】11 colors of hair ties: enough for many years and to share. Perfect for your whole family      hair type. 

Pack in Nice zippered bag】Hair ties are stored in a zippered bag, convenient to store and pick,          well organize these bulk of hair bands as hair ties tend to get lost easily.

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