Whitening Cream Korean Sunscreen Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
SPF50 PA+++ with SoltreeBundle Sunscreen buy on JSA Fashion
White Sunblock Cream SPF 50 PA+++ Specialized for dry skin or dry combination skin or office girls often exposed to air conditioning / High moisturizing and skin care, replacing lotion for people with dry skin, people who are often exposed to cold air conditioning. 

High sun protection level 50 and PA +++, so you only need to apply it once for 8-9 hours, no need to reapply the cream after 3 hours like other sunscreen lines. 

Belonging to the waterproof sunscreen line, you can use White Sunblock Cream when going to the rain or going to the beach, swimming, but the cream is still stable and does not drift, without having to reapply after getting into the water. 

It retains moisture in the skin for a long time and provides excellent protection against harmful radiation. SoltreeBundle Oil Blotting Paper 50pcs: Oil control on your face for daily use (Made in japan)

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