Silicone Transparent Template Seal Buy on Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Nail Art Stamper Tools buy on JSA Fashion
Transparent bottle design, high-quality crystal silicone head with moderate elasticity, non-toxic and odorless, with a transparent protective cover. 

The crystal head has a width of 2.6cm, which is suitable for most nails. It is equipped with a scraper to easily scrape off the excess color base material. The bottle length is 6cm and it is comfortable and flexible to hold. 

It is widely applicable to any background color, and can easily print the styles of French manicure, printed manicure, irregular stripes or patterns you need. 

It is suitable for DIY nail art at home and enjoy the fun and creativity of making nail art printing. It is a great gift for relatives, friends or colleagues. Please clean it in time after use, clean the crystal silica gel head with running water, and let it dry naturally.

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