Luminous Shoelaces Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Luminous Decorative Upper Glow In The Dark Sports Shoes Thick Flat Laces buy on JSA Fashion
100% Polyester 

Luminous laces are the best choice for leisure and entertainment shoes, adding color to your life, compatible with all sports shoes, fashionable sports shoes, canvas shoes, leisure shoes,etc 

The shoelaces do not need batteries, only need heat energy to shine, do not hurt the body, do not pollute the environment, only need to absorb the light under the light source for ten minutes flat laces can be washed in water without fading, with fine texture! 

The tough shoe head can fasten the shoes and make your shoes stronger and more comfortable on your feet。 

High quality flat sole shoelaces are suitable for performances and dances to show their individual selves on various fashion stages, focus on the line of sight, and also suitable for night running to remind others. 

If you don't like our luminous shoelaces or they have any questions, please contact us. We offer you a replacement or refund guarantee

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