Liquid Eyeshadow Glitter Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Long Lasting Waterproof Liquid Eyeshadow Quick-drying Glitter buy on JSA Fashion
SPARKLING EYE MAKEUP】This liquid eyeshadow can show different color effects with the        change of light. The pearlescent pigment on the eyes increase the glitter saturation, which is shinier        and more fashionable than other shadow making the eyes look more three-dimensional. 

LONG-LASTING MAKEUP】Quick-drying with easy extension, long-lasting effect with high-        saturation coloring that lasts for your glamorous look, this high-impact shimmer eyeshadow will            make  you the most dazzling focal point in the crowd. 

EASY TO USE】 Beginner-friendly, apply alone with fingers or a flat eyeshadow brush for a              gorgeous shimmery eye look that will make you stand out on any occasion. 

SKIN-FRIENDLY FORMULA】Featuring a new harmless anti-wrinkle formula, this liquid glitter    eyeshadow won't transfer or crease, and once the eye shadow sets, you'll be left with a smooth,                completely dry finish. NOTE: It is not waterproof eyeshadow and can be removed by wiping with          water. 

6 COLORFUL LIQUID EYESHADOW】Available in 7 colors to suit every skin type and color,       suitable for various occasions, such as masquerade, makeup show, live performance, prom night,           prom, wedding makeup and everyday use.

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