Hello Kitty Makeup Bag Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Cosmetics Case buy on JSA Fashion
Size: 19*12*5cm, weighs only 0.3 lbs, and has a large internal space capacity, suitable for daily use or travel. 

Material: Plush fabric with stitching and reinforcement seams at all compression points. The zipper is unobstructed. The fabric is not thorny or rough. 

Use: One bag has many uses: Our bags come in standard sizes and can be a makeup bag, toiletry bag, storage bag, or even a stationery bag. 

Stylish: Advanced printing technology makes the pattern vivid and never fade. Artificial embroidery technology restores the character itself. 

Quality Service: we guarantee the experience and use of customer service. If you have any dissatisfaction or questions, please feel free to contact our customer service.

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