Glitter Eyeshadow Palette,Purple Buy on Amazon & Aliexpress

Milk Shop
Charming Glitter Purple Eyeshadow Buy from JSA Fashion
SELF ADHESIVE --- Pressed powder technique makes the soft powder easy to go on and close to eyes firmly and will last long time,it is better to apply primer or glue 

MUTI COLORS ---The colour is Very Sparkly&Gorgous and the ultra pigmented glitter eyeshadow will waterproof 

WIDELY USE --- Arious colors suit your option.Can be used on eye ,lip, face, legs ,body ,hair ,nail . Perfect suit for Christmas or wedding Parties or makeup party , Halloween ,etc. 

LONG LASTING --- Glitter & Shimmer Makeup Eyeshadow last long time glittering factor with shimmer finish, gives you bold and charming makeup

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