Fairy Hair Jewelry Buy on Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Flower-Leaf Bridal Headpieces buy on JSA Fashion
Material: crystal, simulated pearls, rhinestones, alloy; Size: Ornament approx. 35*5.5cm (13.77*2.16 inch); Ribbon: 135*0.6cm (53.14*0.23 inch). 

Features: This floral bridal headband features handpainted white off flowers, gold alloy leaves, ivory pearls, and sprays of clear stones. 

Free Style: Whether you're having a bohemian, modern, or vintage inspired wedding, a sparkly handmade headpiece will complete your look. Also no restriction to hair length or hair style, it can be used in various ways, easy to fasten and take off. 

Occasions: Perfect bridal headband for weddings, proms, homecomings, garden receptions, anniversaries, formal parties, birthday, and any other special occasion. Come with SWEETV brand signature gift box, it also a great gift for ladies! 

Search SWEETV Wedding Headband to surf our entire catalog listing on amazon for additional great collections.

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