Face Roller Balls Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Facial Roller for Cold Facial Massage buy on JSA Fashion
DIY YOUR OWN BEAUTY TREATMENT - Worried about skipping your skincare routine when you travel? These beauty ice rollers are packed in a luxurious box that makes it convenient for you to get a cool massage wherever and whenever you want one. 

THE BENEFITS OF ICE GLOBES - Reduce Puffiness Under Your Eyes - Giving you cool treatments at optimal temperatures; Tighten 

Skin Pores - Roll on skin after moisturizer to improve the appearance of pores, smooth texture, and brighten skin. 

SAFE & EASY TO USE - The ice globes are simple and easy to use. Before a cool facial treatment, keep ice globes properly in the fridge or a freezer (YES, you can keep our globes in the freezer for better effect at 14-40℉( -10-4 ℃) . It is not suggested to put them in the freezer more than 10mins. 

REWARD YOU YOUNGER SKIN- Treat yourself with a soothing ice massage to oxygenates the skin; Stimulates circulation and exercise facial nerves and muscles; Better use with serum, cream, essential oils and facial mask. 

A Recyclable Makeup Remover Pads- Better Clean Better Skincare! FULL Refund if receive broken one

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