5 In 1 Makeup Face Concealer Pressed Powder Buy On Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Medium to Full Coverage Foundation with a Powder Puff buy on JSA Fashion
5 in 1Color,#1white,#2 light beige, #3 beige, #4brown,#5natural color Choose the color most close to your own skin tone. 

Create flawless, smooth and soft foundation, a necessary tools for make up. 

How to use? :Press included powder puff into powder and gently pat on face, especially in areas that tend to shine. Reapply as needed throughout the day to absorb excess oil. 

Powder face foundation covers imperfections, reduces the appearance of redness, provides sheer to medium buildable coverage and helps cover & minimize imperfections 

Protecting the epidermis from early stages of ultraviolet light damage. For any special occasion from a wedding to a night out.

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